21. I told them the trip to Japan had gotten to me, I ate some bad food in Mexico prior to the Japan trip.
22. In a recent letter, she voiced what seems to be the second most common complaint of restaurant patrons, lagging only behind bad food.
23. In all these places, Dyer encounters bad food, vile inhabitants and spontaneous explosions of eczema.
24. In fact, there are no bad foods, he insists.
25. Insects, bad food and bad water all pose threats, though vaccines, prophylatic drugs and common sense reduce the risk.
26. It can start within hours or days after consumption of the bad food.
27. It captures miseries from bad food to long, painful separations from families.
28. Maybe to truly appreciate bad food you have to know the context, the cast of characters, the history of the relationships.
29. Murray plays Frank, a disgusting zoo worker who has a penchant for beer and bad food.
30. Nothing warms a non-American heart more than seeing the Sole Remaining Superpower, that swaggering, self-absorbed font of bad food and worse taste, get its comeuppance.