11. Khalifah was reported by the official media also to have briefed Cohen on the application of federal rule in all the various states.
12. Aviation accords and financial assistance programmes were signed between the two states.
13. The dam was sited on the Danube frontier between the two states.
14. Although hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops had fought against South Korean forces in the Korean war, in recent years relations between the two states had improved greatly.
15. At Yalta, the two states also made progress in other aspects of their bilateral relations, building on their June negotiations in Dagomys.
16. The German environment minister, Klaus Tpfer, has announced details of a programme to improve environmental quality in the five states which formally comprised East Germany.
17. The federal environment ministry and its counterparts in the sixteen states have agreed to impose a ban on the export of toxic and domestic waste to Third World countries.
18. The convention, signed by the six states bordering on the Black Sea in April, aims to prevent further pollution and reduce current pollution levels.
19. Although the announcement was made Wednesday, Union Pacific already has budgeted for the upgrades and routine maintenance improvements in the two states.
20. An unusually dry summer in Oregon and Washington has reduced generating capacity at hydroelectric dams in the two states.