11. Always short of cash, Cuba has strong reasons for wanting the embargo on food sales lifted.
12. Analysts have strong institutional reasons to overrate shares of companies with which their investment banks do business.
13. An administrative assistant and sophomore law major at Park College in Corpus Christi, Lane, too, had strong personal reasons for joining the Air Force Reserve.
14. And there are strong reasons to sell Yamaichi, analysts say.
15. And there are strong reasons for Harding to look to Ms. McCaughey Ross to help him accomplish that task next year.
16. As for offensive warheads, both sides have strong reason to move ahead with deep new cuts.
17. Being reared by caring parents in a healthy environment is a strong reason to give thanks.
18. Both Ms. Jones and Clinton had strong reasons to reach a settlement.
19. ABC had strong reasons to try to stop NBC from gaining that programming beachhead.
20. But another analyst who specializes in troubled companies said that Lunsford had strong reasons to keep Vencor afloat.