11. The latter set out the conditions under which Croatia would be prepared to participate in a remodelled Yugoslavia based on an association of those sovereign states.
12. In Tbilisi, the new provisional government condemned the move as a blatant attempt to violate the territorial integrity of a sovereign state.
13. An important part of U.S. diplomacy is getting sovereign states to work together voluntarily.
14. And Macedonia, NATO officials add, is a sovereign state, not a Western protectorate like Kosovo.
15. And yet, by any conventional definition of international rules, the attack is an act of aggression against a sovereign state.
16. As a result, Oman can claim to be among the oldest independent sovereign Arab states in existence today.
17. Arguments of this nature mark a disturbing return to the old U.S. pattern of treating Western Hemisphere neighbors as something less than sovereign states.
18. At that time, international law consisted of conventions between sovereign states, and covered issues like piracy and diplomatic immunity.
19. Beijing regards Taiwan as a renegade province and has fought to deny it recognition as a sovereign state in the international community.
20. Bosnia has no recent history as a sovereign state, he would argue.