11. A really good salad provides a sense of harmony.
12. According to one Internet ad for the product, Herbal Ecstacy provides a sense of euphoria and increases energy levels, sensory perceptions and sexual appetite.
13. African drumming, which is rising in popularity in the United States, provides a sense of spirituality and community.
14. But a review of corporate filings and numerous interviews provide a sense of how lucrative the programs have become.
15. But here, instead of providing a sense of security, the techniques of modern building have been used to dispel it.
16. Candles soften a room and provide a sense of peace and tranquility.
17. Citizens do accept surveillance cameras at, say, automated teller machines to help deter robbery and provide a sense of safety.
18. Deep Cough was the first of several informants who helped provide that sense, Kessler said.
19. Elisabeth Shue provides a sense of fun with the unbridled vulgarity in which she revels.
20. Every kid should have an eccentric uncle who provides the sense of vast possibilities that daily life with parents often denies.