11.  A few years later it licensed the rights to the transistor from Bell Laboratories, after overcoming resistance from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

12.  Bush will have to overcome considerable resistance of his own from a Congress that remains largely skeptical of big new trade deals.

13.  But his resistance was overcome by the growing sense that Miles, known familiarly as Miles, had too much to recommend him.

14.  But Morita pressed hard for the project, overcoming resistance within Sony to a tape player that, in its early versions, could not record.

15.  But she said hospitals have become adept at installing facilities that blend in with their surroundings, overcoming resistance.

16.  But the pressure of the need to eliminate mistakes would overcome the resistance to innovation and push the protolanguage to label more and more things and events with sounds.

17.  But these are merely incremental improvements on long-established therapies, not new drugs, and are not likely to overcome resistance.

18.  Colleen Roche, a spokeswoman for Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, said she was hopeful that resistance could be overcome.

19.  Democrats on the committee voted with Sweeney and Walsh, but could not overcome Republican resistance to the proposal.

20.  Even if the global crisis endures, overcoming the resistance of lenders will not be easy.

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