11. This is a work construct defined in terms of activities and physically identifiable consequences rather than mental states.
12. Thousands of mental states, endless varieties of love, and countless supernormal powers are dramatized in the lives of the saints.
13. What his mental state was, Giuliani had no idea.
14. Whenever Ben stops his medication, his mental state deteriorates.
15. The mental state that had created her psychosis was no longer present.
16. It is argued that the distinctions noted earlier are by no means clear and that behaviour cannot be identified in isolation from speech and so-called internal mental states.
17. The reverse could also be true, and mental state was actually the only variable which differentiated these patients from irritable bowel syndrome patients who responded satisfactorily to treatment.
18. Our knowledge of morbid mental states is much less definite than our knowledge of many physical disturbances.
19. Therefore in The Inheritors simile is linked to more explicit processes of reasoning, and metaphor is associated with a less analytical mental state.
20. They are severe and have a devastating effect on his personality, his physical well-being and his mental state.