11. Its investments include small private equity holdings in unlisted Irish companies.
12. Lamont says that Irish companies are also benefiting from international expansion, pointing to Waterford Wedgewood Plc, Jefferson Smurfit Group, and Independent Newspapers Plc.
13. Naprelan was designed by Elan Corp., an Irish company which granted American Home Products the right to sell the treatment in U.S. and Canada.
14. Other manufacturers are beginning to enter the arena, including the Irish pharmaceutical company Elan, which makes Myobloc.
15. Roland LaPlante, vice president for marketing at Afilias, the Irish company that controls .info, said his domain will send users to information more quickly.
16. The BSE test being used by SuperValu stores is marketed by the Irish company Enfer Scientific.
17. The conference also aims to demonstrate that Ireland is a growing market for American exports, and that Irish companies are worthy partners for joint ventures.
18. The conference also aims to demonstrate that Ireland is a growing market for American exports, and that Irish companies are worthy and capable partners for joint ventures.
19. The Irish company previously focused on products with drug-absorption technologies designed to improve the delivery of medications.
20. The Irish company designs products with drug absorption technologies to improve the delivery of medications.