11. Instead, invest your time at the real soda fountain on the first floor.
12. --Invest time.
13. Kluge has invested considerable time in developing those ties and has not hesitated to use his money as an extra lure.
14. Ms. Tereshko said she believed that people should invest their time in things they have emotions about, as she is doing with her ventures.
15. Nonviolent approaches take time, patience and courage, he said, and people are not often willing to invest the time or take the risk.
16. Now I work full-time in Iowa, take graduate courses at night and live with my boyfriend, who is investing serious time in a doctoral program.
17. Rather than getting worked up about education standards and test scores, parents ought to invest time in their schools.
18. Sakata invested his time in Agbayani, for which Agbayani feels exceptionally fortunate and grateful.
19. She added that people who were drawn to the convenience of online shopping would be reluctant to invest time in personalizing products.
20. Shopping this way requires investing some time to educate yourself.