11. If we find that the concordance is higher for Is than Ns, there could be a genetic component.
12. In the case of diseases, the effect of any genetic component is more clear cut.
13. Because the sample is so large, even the last of these shows evidence of a genetic component.
14. Every one of us is at risk for having a condition that has an underlying genetic component.
15. In humans, shyness appears to have a strong genetic component.
16. In other words, there is a genetic component that makes some girls more susceptible to an eating disorder than others.
17. It is also a way of quantifying the genetic components of disease.
18. Jim Broatch, executive director of the Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation in Milford, Conn., says obsessive-compulsive behavior likely has a genetic component.
19. Many people think of intelligence as having a fixed genetic component that flourishes or fades with environmental influences like home life or economic opportunity.
20. Millions of virtually identical swine, assembled from common genetic components, roll off this pork assembly line like so many sedans.