11. But fledgling companies, those that need the money most to get their ideas off the ground, struggle to find investors in the Valley.
12. But it appears that this same exactitude has enabled her to extend her fledgling company so far so fast.
13. But now comes a fledgling Massachusetts company, Insurance Holdings of America LLC, with a plan that some think can put fresh life into insurance sales.
14. But she conceded that she had gotten quite a few calls from scientists and fledgling companies wanting to test drugs.
15. But they are fledgling companies compared with IBM, which has close ties to major corporate customers around the world.
16. Colourblind Creations hit the racks in nearly a dozen Seattle-area stores last month, and the fledgling company hopes to market the cards nationally and in Canada.
17. Create a promising new market niche, and Microsoft may soon follow with its armies of programmers and its marketing muscle to crush the fledgling company.
18. Dell specializes in fledgling Internet companies meant to speed transactions among businesses, especially in industries like textiles and trucking.
19. Dozens of founders of fledgling Internet companies have become worth millions on paper in a matter of months.
20. Fledgling companies need coddling as well as cash in order to be successful.