11. Van Miert said he had notified each affected company of his continued concerns and said the companies would each have a chance to make additional suggestions.
12. Also present were the MP for Ulu Rejang Billy Abit Joo, reprentatives of Belaga and the affected companies.
13. Councilwoman Betty Olds pointed out that a list of affected companies attached to the resolution were all doing business with Israel.
14. Finance Minister Thanong Bidaya said the government would lend the money to affected Thai companies.
15. However, she did not elaborate on the measures that might be taken by the ministry and the affected companies.
16. Just think of the possibility of enlisting the support of more senior people in affected companies throughout the country to willingly accept pay and benefits cuts!
17. Management spokesman Reiner Hildmann said in an interview on Suedwestfunk radio that the strike has already caused significant financial damage to affected companies in Bavaria.
18. Other affected companies include yogurt and cheese exporters and manufacturers of food additives derived from milk.
19. Present were OAAM honarary secretary Lam Tuck Heng and representives from the affected companies.
20. Samy Vellu encouraged the affected companies to consider India for their business ventures as there were vast opportunities there.