11. NATO military chiefs continued to work on how to implement a planned oil embargo against Yugoslavia as NATO announced additional attacks on a refinery in Novi Sad.
12. On Thursday, the FBI issued an urgent warning that the United States had received information that there may be additional terrorist attacks within the next several days.
13. Staying on alert has likely helped the nation avoid additional terrorist attacks, he said.
14. Stocks have already recovered sharply from their lows last fall, when the economy appeared bleak and additional terrorist attacks seemed likely.
15. The funding problem may also invite additional attacks from congressional critics of the project.
16. The production of additional attack submarines, which serve no current military need, could be slowed.
17. WASHINGTON --The Federal Bureau of Investigation warned Thursday that new information suggests that there may be additional terrorist attacks in the next few days.
18. We also are told to be constantly vigilant to the threat of additional terrorist attacks.
19. Police said there were warnings of additional attacks and deployed extensively through Jerusalem.
20. Ashcroft has urged anyone who has seen the men to call the FBI or an American consulate and warned that they are suspected of planning additional attacks against civilians.