101. In the last five years, he voted for budgets that included increases in taxing and spending in order to show support for Marino, he said.
102. In virtually every other country where the death penalty has been removed it has been done by the political establishment in the face of polls showing support for it.
103. In the past, Chinese officials condemned Clinton for seeing the Tibetan leader, complaining that such a move showed American support for the Tibetan independence movement.
104. Interestingly, opinion polls taken before this summer routinely showed majority support for no change in relations with China.
105. It also left teammates in an awkward position of trying to show support for Mondesi while realizing how counter-productive the situation is now.
106. It also showed similar support for a moratorium on death row cases that might be affected by DNA testing.
107. Instead he addressed the relatively powerless Parliament, a gesture that aides said was intended to show his support for strengthening civilian power here.
108. It was one of several rallies throughout the country as Canadians gathered to show support for a united country.
109. Jacobs prepared an inch-thick plan including reams of correspondence showing the support of potential customers.
110. Lebanon residents responding to a February city-run survey showed strong support for city cable.