101. He decided that the only people he would trust to know his feelings were other emergency workers.
102. Growers also argue that migrant workers are the only people willing to work the farms.
103. He said the only people who would benefit from the dismissals are the many criminal gangs who operate in Moscow.
104. Henning said he feared that in the future, the only people who would get city jobs would be those on welfare.
105. He was happy with his other crop art, but the only people who saw it were those in window seats in airplanes.
106. Hikers strapped on day packs in the parking lot, but as far as we could tell, we were the only people heading in for the night.
107. His theory is that the only people who have ever invaded our shores are the Beatles.
108. I watch TV and get the impression that Americans are the only people who know how to train hard.
109. I yearn for the days when the only people having monologues were wearing three jackets and mismatched shoes.
110. If economists were the only people who could vote, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan probably could get elected president.