91. In a process repeated throughout the day and the city with the IAF groups, they would go from there to their polling places.
92. In Chandler, where a city general election was also being held Tuesday, some polling places were doing double duty and handling the crowds well.
93. In Iztapalapa, a vast working class borough of Mexico City, dozens of policemen pushed into the front of the line at one special polling place.
94. In fairness, for all I know, after our round Bill may have headed straight for his polling place.
95. In Lexington County, a suburban area west of Columbia, all the polling places opened as scheduled, and voting was substantial even in Democratic areas.
96. In Arizona, the trial online vote will take place Election Day, with an Internet voting booth set up just outside a polling place in Maricopa County.
97. In Iztapalapa, a vast working class borough of Mexico City, dozens of policemen also pushed into the front of the line at one special polling place.
98. In Bristol, a popular fish-and-chips shop served as a polling place, offering voters a combination of democracy and fast food.
99. In regular polling places, Mexicans were given ballots after matching their voter card with a photograph against a list that included both their names and pictures.
100. In response to a lawsuit, a federal judge ordered a new election at those polling places.