1. Two hundred million people worldwide suffer from parasitic diseases.
2. One in four people worldwide are without adequate homes.
3. A vast majority of anthrax cases in people worldwide are cutaneous anthrax.
4. About a million people worldwide are said to take the drug legally, through prescriptions, to help treat insomnia.
5. All that is bad news for people worldwide for whom bananas are a staple.
6. Even then, only a handful of people worldwide will suffer any consequences or die any sooner than they normally would have, officials say.
7. Feral Gokcen said she is moved by the relief efforts under way from people worldwide, as well as by those in Turkey.
8. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are born with sickle cell disease.
9. Its purpose is to enable people worldwide to watch news programs in their own language as soon as the news breaks.
10. Next week, hundreds of thousands of Jewish people worldwide will celebrate the birth of this Chasidic leader.