1. Another camp said that allowing unrestricted use of the money in retirement could leave some people at risk of poverty as they got older.
2. At the same time, it is the corporations and the wealthy who are arguing for unrestricted use of their assets to publicly press their agendas.
3. Administration officials argue that unrestricted use of encryption would prevent them from keeping tabs on rogue nations like Iraq and Libya or combating terrorism.
4. Brinkema found that the library board could not support its contention that unrestricted use of the Internet would create a sexually hostile work environment.
5. But, Babbitt reportedly added, the administration would lose the Mountain States, places where people strongly believe they have the right to unrestricted use of public lands.
6. --In Sarajevo, the United Nations had virtually unrestricted use of the airport.
7. It takes the individual seeking to break all the rules to establish a higher truth, without regard to the consequences of others and with unrestricted use of violence.
8. Other organizations gain unrestricted use of contributions after donors or their children die.
9. Still others permit unrestricted use for educational purposes or in the home.
10. But Barbraud said he hoped the case would create a judicial precedent in favor of unrestricted use of the Internet.