1. From the time Louie died, my father took over the family in very substantial ways.
2. Served with thick wedges of fresh tortilla, sliced tomato and cucumber, it is a substantial way to begin a meal.
3. The introduction by TNCs of new types of production into developing countries that are already industrializing in a substantial way.
4. Although the three cases differ in substantial ways, the disputes do resemble one another.
5. As a result, tax experts say, Americans should assume for now that current tax law will not change this year in any substantial way.
6. Bill Malloy, senior editor at Warner Books, is trying to take the company into cookbooks in a substantial way next year.
7. But no one has done the same for government in any substantial way.
8. Gov. George Pataki of New York has a chance to celebrate Labor Day in a substantial way this year.
9. One reform the department is just now addressing in a substantial way is an improvement of the recruitment and hiring of women.
10. Then, it would have to resolve whether that hypothetical Honeywell divestiture would have adversely affected the company in a substantial way.