1. How could a longer ride be less stressful than a shorter one?
2. The shorter ones among them generally limit themselves to praise-affirmations but do not as yet have any particular type of conclusion.
3. If this parameter is set high, SPHINX prefers longer words to shorter ones.
4. There are shorter ones in the broom cupboard.
5. I want the shorter one in that one is it?
6. Deluged with videotapes, Taylor chose long phrases from some, shorter ones from others, and assigned a few to create new choreography.
7. Given the low level of both rates, I would go with the shorter one, not wanting to get locked into the low rate for five years.
8. He said the league would more likely seek a traditional long-term deal than a shorter one.
9. Heights vary considerably, so look for the shorter ones for easy access, the tall ones for oohing and aahing.
10. His long passes were more accurate, his shorter ones released more quickly.