1. Earlier studies have found that sildenafil is effective in treating sexual response problems in men who are taking antidepressants.
2. He developed his phallometric test in Czechoslovakia, where researchers were beginning to consider sexual response a topic for serious study.
3. Preliminary studies, including one at Boston University, show Viagra can affect sexual response in women much the same way it affects men.
4. Q. Are there cases when humans, like certain birds, have a sexual response to songs?
5. Researchers who want to directly measure sexual responses in women are stymied by a lack of a good method, Heiman said.
6. Since Masters and Johnson, little research has been done into female sexual response.
7. Some treatments can also dampen sexual desire and sexual response.
8. The antidepressant Prozac also delays sexual response time, making it difficult for many women to achieve an orgasm.
9. The basic problem, the Bermans and others said, is that so little work has been done on the physiology of female sexual response and orgasm.
10. The drug restored sexual response all nine subjects, according to the study, which appears in the August issue of Psychiatric Services.