1. Ames spied undetected for Moscow for nearly nine years, rising to extremely sensitive positions despite his drunkenness, sloth and seething resentment at the agency.
2. Bernstein is in the sensitive position of chasing the memory of Johnson, who might have won his first Top Fuel crown in another month.
3. A disturbing series of failures and missteps by government officials allowed alleged spy Wen Ho Lee to remain in a sensitive position at Los Alamos laboratories for years.
4. A little-known anti-embezzlement rule requires bank employees in sensitive positions to be away from their desks and duties for two consecutive weeks every year.
5. Freeh said there was no longer any investigative reason for the Energy Department to keep him in a sensitive position.
6. Freeh told DOE officials that there was no longer an investigative reason to allow the suspect to remain in his sensitive position, officials said.
7. Government officials in sensitive confidential positions may have special duties of nondisclosure.
8. How about her appointment of a convicted child molester to a sensitive position?
9. Local officials in the state said they understood McCain was in a sensitive position.
10. Many at the banquet complained about the accusations of spying against Lee, saying that news reports tended to tar Chinese scientists in sensitive positions with the same brush.