1. And then Jazz was cut, making the remaining players take another deep breath.
2. And yet, Granville is just one of the many remaining players at Wimbledon that require two forms of identification for entry.
3. And the remaining players, Negoesco contends, are not being coached in a way that is conducive to producing world-class players who could fill stadiums in this country.
4. As for the remaining nine active players, Woolridge said the team is ready to start the season.
5. As the number of carriers dwindles, those remaining players raise prices again.
6. As with Woodson, the Cowboys are tying up contractually one of the few remaining premier players.
7. A few of the remaining players ribbed an obviously agitated Ortiz, who immediately turned around and left.
8. A merger with a remaining big player would create overlap, he said.
9. After practice, Murray spoke with the remaining players individually.
10. Demetrieva is the lesser-known of the remaining players.