1. Australian stocks fell as concern about the effect on Australian company earnings of plunging currencies and slowing growth in Asia offset a jump in New Corp. shares.
2. Australian stocks fell as concern about the effect on Australian company earnings of plunging currencies and slowing growth in Asia offset a jump in News Corp. shares.
3. Chairman and Chief Executive John S. Reed said he sees opportunities in emerging markets that have suffered plunging currencies and stock markets starting last summer.
4. Developing country debt prices edged lower, on concern that plunging Asian currency and stock markets could discourage investment in emerging markets.
5. Emerging market debt prices plunged in New York as traders and investors were alarmed by plunging currencies in Asia and their effect on other emerging markets.
6. European stocks fell and bonds rose as plunging Asian currencies and equities sent investors fleeing to the safety of fixed-income securities.
7. Grains and soybeans fell after a week of poor exports renewed concern that plunging Asian currencies and bumper South American harvests will lead to reduced demand for U.S. crops.
8. In Japan, Russia, and Mexico, officials worry about plunging currencies.
9. In general, these are companies that import goods from the affected countries, where the plunging currency values are driving prices down.
10. Most Asian stock indexes fell amid plunging currencies and soaring interest rates, sparking concern about a slowdown in global economic growth.