1.  It has also carried out secondary consultations in respect of particular services.

2.  Thirdly, professionalism involves a successful claim that only members are qualified to provide particular services.

3.  Thus in Britain, a series of laws have guaranteed solicitors a monopoly on particular services.

4.  Central government may, on merit good grounds, think it appropriate that a local authority provide more of a particular service.

5.  Local government, then, is better informed and easier to monitor than are national bureaucracies established to provide particular services.

6.  Nevertheless the market for particular services may be contestable.

7.  BR managers resisted probing by ministry officials of why a particular service operated in a particular way.

8.  But over time, the market will buy consulting services from the best provider of that particular service.

9.  But they usually receive care before filing claims, whereas HMO patients may be denied care if the HMO decides that a particular service is not covered.

10.  But they also say they should not have to divulge confidential business information or the procedures they use to decide whether particular services are medically necessary.

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