1.  The participating States also envisage holding future seminars on topics of mutual interest.

2.  The participating States reaffirm that freedom of expression is a human right and a basic component of a democratic society.

3.  The participating States recognize the importance of co-operation in a number of areas in the economic integration process.

4.  The participating States reconfirm their commitments in the Copenhagen and Moscow Documents concerning the question of capital punishment.

5.  The participating States stress that the Economic Forum remains the main venue for discussion of economic dimension issues.

6.  The participating States welcome the international efforts to improve protection of the rights of persons belonging to national minorities.

7.  While the working language would be Russian the official languages would be the state languages of the participating states.

8.  But more and more, officials from the participating states said, people are recognizing that the dredged material can be useful.

9.  Claims would be paid from accumulated premiums from participating states collected in a Disaster Reinsurance Fund.

10.  Contestants can fish in any participating state except Alaska.

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