1. Our independent non-executive directors have a particularly valuable role especially in relation to audit and remuneration matters.
2. In America, once managers make an offer for their company, the independent directors hire investment banks to look for other potential buyers.
3. This problem does not arise if there are independent directors on the board of the vendor company who are responsible for making decisions.
4. Allmerica Property formed a committee of independent directors to consider the offer.
5. Also expected to testify Monday are independent Conrail directors Roger Hillas and H. Furlong Baldwin.
6. Among certain young actors and independent directors, hard drugs also were associated with a certain outlaw pose, an expression of risk-taking independence and creativity.
7. Among the supposedly independent directors at Enron were individuals who received consulting deals from the company and one whose medical center got Enron donations.
8. At the moment, Big Board rules require just three independent directors per board, regardless of its size.
9. Audit and compensation committees are, for the most part, made up of independent directors, Bowie pointed out.
10. Based on the Furman Selz recommendation, the independent directors approved the deal.