1. At least one independent analyst believes growth will be substantial.
2. But independent analysts in the Market predicted disaster.
3. But representatives of both sides said, and independent analysts agreed, that the Hebron deal itself is virtually nailed down.
4. One independent political analyst, Stuart Rothenberg, thinks both parties are exaggerating.
5. Independent analysts have estimated that a minimum wage set at three pound forty an hour would add one point eight percent to the total labour costs in Britain.
6. However, independent political analyst Andrew MacMullen says Labour could still secure victory with a smaller swing in its favour.
7. The commission has had the significance of this research confirmed by independent analysts, which leaves a serious problem to be explained and solved.
8. Bratislav Grubacic, an independent analyst here, said Milosevic was weaker in important institutions like the church, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and even the army.
9. A number of independent analysts see Republican gains of four to six seats.