1. A current member of the Finance Committee although now retired from teaching.
2. There is space to mention only a few in this account, but all the unsung heroines the current Society members say THANK YOU.
3. As a current member of a hospital crash team, I have become acutely aware of the problems arising from cardiac arrest calls.
4. Every teacher and current member has been sent a copy and Margaret went on to ask that all teachers encourage any interested class member to apply quickly.
5. There are three members of the Transvaal team which won the recent Super Ten Series, five current Springbok squad members and three Namibian internationals.
6. We have received six nominations for these four places and every current Society member is eligible to vote for one candidate for each of the four places.
7. Although the orchestra members had proposed the grandfathering clause by which the current members could stay on the old system, they rejected the proposal last week.
8. Although no Republican incumbents were defeated, the party lost four House seats in which the current GOP member was not seeking re-election.
9. As soon as practicable, the current House members convene.
10. Banking officials said Wednesday they do not want to kick out any current members from credit unions.