1. ...a genuine German musical which does not try to imitate the American model.
2. The ideal American model of a strong Europe included Britain.
3. And some treatments can work, even if they run almost totally counter to the American talking model.
4. And they are seizing it, largely by copying the American model.
5. As a result, in the years since Desert Storm, militaries around the world have converted to the American model.
6. At the Bostonian Hotel, she and chef Jasper White began a daring move away from French cuisine and toward a new American culinary model.
7. All of those run counter to the American model of cutting deficits to free up capital for entrepreneurship, venture capital and new technology.
8. But the shortage of U.S. dealerships in Japan has curtailed general exposure to these improved American models.
9. But they still showed profound concern about the American model.
10. But Yuksel said that changes were made to the American model to suit European conditions.