1.  Despite official warnings about the limestone spring water in the pipe, Henderson and others believe it is better than Tombstone's well water.

2.  Families there sued W. R. Grace and its subsidiary, Beatrice Foods, claiming the manufacturers put toxins into Woburn well water that caused children to die of leukemia.

3.  Fidler last had her well water tested in 1991.

4.  For the first time ever, the well water turned muddy," said Wayne Cupp.

5.  For the most part, public water supplies and even well water throughout the country are highly unlikely to make anyone acutely ill.

6.  Fresh well water flows constantly through the indoor tanks, and much of it is recycled back through the system from an outdoor holding pond.

7.  He gave them a cup of well water, a sandwich and a place to sleep in the hayloft.

8.  He's seen them in rock, clay and sand _ even in mineral deposits from Central Texas well water.

9.  Hilderbrandt, who uses well water, thought that wasn't enough.

10.  Hinkley's well water was contaminated at up to 24,000 parts per billion.

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