1.  Anyone who thinks they have been harmed by affirmative action can now sue the state.

2.  Architect George Green sued the state under the Whistle Blower Act and won a $13.6 million judgment in 1991.

3.  Dozens of former Baxter students have been lobbying for more than two years for compensation or permission to sue the state.

4.  Edison, New Jersey's Democratic Mayor George Spadoro has sued the state and Gov. Whitman, saying the sale is a violation of the state constitution.

5.  Finally, in April, a nonprofit group sued the state.

6.  Five white voters sued the state, however, charging that the plan violated their constitutional right to equal protection of the laws.

7.  Florida is suing the state to recoup Medicaid money spent treating smoking-related illnesses under the state-federal health-care plan for the poor.

8.  Ford has complied, but is suing the state to reverse the order.

9.  Ford sued the state for civil rights violations, malicious prosecution, abuse of process and defamation.

10.  Foster Wheeler said it planned to sue the state over the repeal.

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