1.  As attorney general, Morales ruled that a federal court decision barring such programs at the University of Texas Law School applied to all state universities.

2.  Despite a strict anti-hazing policy at all three state university, the practice persists, Kappa Alpha's Haynes said.

3.  Delaware's Revolutionary War fighters carried blue hens with them into battle, creating a memorable nickname for the state university football team.

4.  Each of the 10 state universities will get its own board of trustees, appointed by the governor and approved by the state Senate.

5.  Edenfield's order addressed only half of a major lawsuit filed two years ago against the state university system.

6.  During the '40s and '50s, small state universities grew tremendously.

7.  Eventually, his intellectual clock ticking, McKinnon decided to check out the local big state university.

8.  Few major state universities have a lower football profile.

9.  Florida Gov. Jeb Bush had infuriated many blacks with his rollback of an affirmative action program for state universities and contracts.

10.  For a state university system that was pieced together after World War II in a state rich with private universities, SUNY has earned considerable respect.

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