1.  As a murderously businesslike con cruising Ron, he states his intentions so boldly that the usually somnolent Furlong's eyes pop wide open.

2.  As of Tuesday, 27 states had filed plans stating their intention to conform with the new welfare law.

3.  At that time, O'Connor parted company with those justices, who stated their intention to adopt a sweeping neutrality principle for judging such government aid.

4.  Even so, Morgan has repeatedly stated its intention to determine its own fate.

5.  From the day the governor first publicly stated his intention to sign the bill, Williams said, "we saw tremendous maneuvering and political pressure."

6.  He also stated his intention to resolve the lawsuit as quickly as possible.

7.  His aides produced a February letter stating his intention to retire this summer as proof that it was not sudden.

8.  In May, McMichael filed a letter in federal court stating her intention to sue Dorsey.

9.  In recent days, state and federal officials have stated their intentions to aggressively prosecute those who make anthrax threats.

10.  It was incredible to think that you could accomplish the same thing by simply stating your intention and sticking with it.

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