1.  Denying the city power it needs to regulate peddling and to protect taxpaying merchants is the wrong way to show respect for disabled veterans.

2.  Doering wasn't just showing his respect with his prediction, he was demonstrating his ability to do math.

3.  Eddie Murray and Todd Worrell, however, asked that a little respect be shown for the elders Friday night.

4.  Evans believes Bennett has not shown proper respect for a four-time gold medalist.

5.  Even the Indians are showing their respect for the Yankees slugger, who underwent surgery to remove a tumor from his colon on Saturday.

6.  Everett called reports that he and Darren Lewis argued about showing respect "incorrect."

7.  Even the umpires are shown respect when they ring up Ruben on questionable third strikes.

8.  From there, talk gets around to the need to show respect for one's family.

9.  Good diversity programs, they said, make it clear that work colleagues often have widely different values but can work well together when everyone shows mutual respect.

10.  Hagler walks toward his room, turns to a friend and says, "He showed me respect.

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