1.  Beijing's top communications official stunned investors last September when he unexpectedly reaffirmed a longstanding ban on foreign investment in Internet service providers.

2.  _ In October, the company refocused on its MSN effort, the Microsoft Internet service provider, in its continuing effort to catch up with America Online.

3.  Even application service providers _ companies that sell online software for accounting and other services _ have yet to take hold.

4.  IBM, the world's largest IT services provider, last year added 15,000 people to its 95,000-person consulting staff.

5.  Internet service providers such as 555.1212.com, switchboard.com, and AT&T's online directory anywho.com are also filling the directory-assistance void.

6.  INTERNET EARTHLINK REPORTS A LOSS The Internet service provider EarthLink Inc. said its third-quarter loss had widened.

7.  Most, he says, are looking to get bought, whether by a successful service provider or by traditional media itching to advertise online.

8.  NEW YORK: service provider.

9.  Others are newer to the Net, such as "rebate" checks that, when cashed by consumers, give unwitting victims a new Internet service provider.

10.  That IPO will include AT&T's interest in cable-based Internet service provider Excite At Home.

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