1.  As a result, its political system has never been allowed to mature.

2.  As an examination of the ramifications of the Russian Revolution, the movie is an indictment of all political systems that crush the individual in their rush to power.

3.  Delury edited the World Almanac and an encyclopedia of world political systems.

4.  Despite their support of the PRI, which already has run the country for 65 years, Mexicans want a more responsive political system.

5.  Despite increasing reluctance by some lawmakers to accept donations, the big tobacco companies have continued to pour large amounts into the political system.

6.  Donald K. Emmerson, a professor of political science at Stanford University, calls it "the rebirth of the Indonesian political system."

7.  Do our elected and high-appointed officials not try to influence _ and, yes, subvert _ the political systems of other countries?

8.  Despite that jarring prospect, it is unlikely that Americans will call for radical change in their political system, the pros say.

9.  Did the hearings present such a grim portrait of the political system that the very elected officials who profited from it were spurred to action?

10.  Ellis notes that the American political system was "created by a group of geniuses so that it could be run by a group of idiots."

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