1.  Although it is offering service in four states, he said, progress had been slowed by recalcitrant Bell companies.

2.  As a result of sweeping changes in the communications business, local phone companies will soon offer long-distance service.

3.  Cuba, though, doesn't plan to let foreign banks offer their services.

4.  Delta offers daily service from Kennedy Airport, and Continental flies on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from Newark International Airport.

5.  Current regulations "are throttling investment and throttling new entrepreneurs who want to be able to offer competitive services," Stowe said.

6.  Currently it is offering its services exclusively to confirmed Olympics ticket holders.

7.  Currently it offers local service to business customers in 19 markets, including San Francisco and Los Angeles.

8.  Currently, no U.S. carriers offer direct service between Philadelphia and London.

9.  Currently, the company offers service that runs at about one-quarter the speed of a 56-kilobit-per-second modem.

10.  Develop a "critical stress debriefing" program that would offer services to rescue workers emotionally shaken by their lifesaving work.

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