1.  AOC and oil companies like Unocal and Tosco BP are working together to recycle motor oil.

2.  Cuba's Roman Catholic primate, Cardinal Jaime Ortega, has worked quietly to expand the church's role.

3.  Democratic leaders were working hard to solidify their own ranks in order to strengthen Senate Democrats and give them a good bargaining hand.

4.  Despont is working overtime to get that message across.

5.  Duval has worked hard to separate himself from the pack.

6.  Disease detectives would work around the clock to find the source of the anthrax.

7.  Each has worked hard to combat the cynicism that comes from being an industry "flavor of the month," then an industry outcast.

8.  Each has worked very hard to get where she is today.

9.  Dole has worked hard to dispel the issue.

10.  E-commerce companies are working diligently to find small pockets where they can improve the efficiency of the used-car industry.

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