1.  Democrats are calling for a longer investigation to permit a more extensive airing of the charges.

2.  Democrats are calling for harsher treatment of gang members and more than $1 billion in new funding for juvenile detention facilities.

3.  Democrats have called for continuing the laws.

4.  Democrats have called for four weeks of hearings.

5.  Democrats, unlike Republicans, haven't called for elimination of the IRS, the nation's tax-collection agency.

6.  Deputies from opposition parties on both the left and the right have called for a broader review of the privatization policy.

7.  Dietz was called by prosecutors to rebut earlier testimony from defense psychiatrists, including Dr. Phillip Resnick.

8.  DiCicco's ability to coach was called into question after the U.S. team lost to Norway in the semifinals of the 1995 World Cup.

9.  Detectives would call from malls to confirm that the Marcia Vickers who was applying for instant credit was indeed me.

10.  Devious and immediate measures were called for.

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