1.  Anyone who said the things he said must need help.

2.  As China pulls down its walls, many analysts say the foreign firms will no longer need this help.

3.  Deputy Treasury Secretary Larry Summers dismissed any notion that Japan will follow in the path of South Korea and need help from the International Monetary Fund.

4.  Determining whether a juvenile animal needs help isn't always easy.

5.  Did she need any help?

6.  Despite that success, the Beavers need some help.

7.  Did he need any help?

8.  Despite Williams being out of action and the Clippers needing center help, there has been no contact between the two parties in weeks.

9.  Do Bush and Gore really need our help?

10.  Defenses got away with this because their defensive fronts needed little help keeping the Chiefs' running game in check.

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