1.  As were many other people, they were caught in the midst of the civil war between Algeria's military rulers and Islamic guerrilla groups.

2.  Designers, like many other people, often do their best work under stress.

3.  For many such people, the Internet has become an engine driving their fears.

4.  Fortunately, not many other people have that vision.

5.  Godsey says he can't discuss how many other people might be involved or what kind of action could be taken against them.

6.  Goodwin said many such people were greatly helped by cognitive and behavioral therapies that taught them to focus on the here and now.

7.  He simply accepted the information as he did from many other people."

8.  Health officials have found that college students living in dormitories are more susceptible to the disease because they live in close proximity to many other people.

9.  House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his band of Republican House revolutionaries are about as popular as the tax collector with many such people.

10.  How many other people are they ripping off?" he asked.

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