1.  Aside from nuclear weapons labs and major university research centers, there isn't much of a demand for it.

2.  Despite the high cost, most major universities have one or more.

3.  Executives here say Massachusetts has critical mass and access to major university research but does a poor job of marketing itself outside its borders.

4.  Facing increased competition from abroad, major U.S. universities have found that dips in foreign graduate student enrollments first seen in 1992 and 1993 have developed into a trend.

5.  Few major state universities have a lower football profile.

6.  For those who are curious, the page offers links to information on tunnels at 52 major universities.

7.  Georgia also has formed the Georgia Research Alliance to promote cooperation among four major universities.

8.  Full-time faculty at major universities once taught 12 to 15 hours a week.

9.  He has held his job longer than any current major university president or other business school dean, higher education experts say.

10.  He did the latter so well he was recruited by several major universities.

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