1.  Different people like different things."

2.  Eating foods that look like sexual organs is based on a principle called the law of signatures or similarities, which states that like things produce like results.

3.  Evan doesn't like things near his face, so he can stand to have only half of his teeth brushed at a time.

4.  Even things he didn't like, he enjoyed the experience of it."

5.  Fortunately, he did not outrage his Republican colleagues who like things the way they are, for they would surely poison his well if he had.

6.  Girls _ you like things where you play with their hair, you play with their clothes, you fantasize about being a little older."

7.  He actually likes two things that many people find repulsive: the Fenway Park clubhouse and sportswriters.

8.  He added, "Television likes things like this, ones that have 3D imaging and tiny instruments."

9.  Have you ever noticed that sometimes in life you find that you like things that common sense tells you are not necessarily good for you?

10.  He did not like the things war took from him _ the long years, the college education, the sense of security.

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