1.  As a result, trade organizations representing the nation's largest corporations no longer supported the bill, leaving groups representing small businesses to carry the burden.

2.  DeLay's attack on them leaves one wondering whether he has actually read the opinions he denounced.

3.  Dining on such items as broiled sea bass, cider grilled chicken breast, sesame lemon chicken and grilled fresh monkfish marengo hardly left me feeling underprivileged.

4.  Day became leader last year, but the party's poor election performance in November and some embarrassing controversies have left him struggling to retain his position.

5.  Ditka, who guided the Chicago Bears to a victory in Super Bowl XX in 1985, left coaching for five years after the 1992 season.

6.  Debbie was always left standing alone on the blacktop while Julie and Becky bickered publicly over who was stuck with her.

7.  Dodgers officials don't expect they'll have to use cattle prods to get fans to leave the park following game one.

8.  Don't be surprised if you leave scratching your head.

9.  Don't leave serving platters outside while the food cooks.

10.  Despite its flaws, the movie leaves you feeling good, which is about all it aspires to.

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