1.  As always, Casey exhorted them to focus on improving service and containing costs.

2.  Despite the industry's promise to improve service with a voluntary customers-rights plan, passenger complaints jumped 130 percent.

3.  Digital technology would improve cable service by vastly expanding the number of channels and offering sharper images and sound.

4.  DHL is spending up to $10 million to improve service in Argentina.

5.  Discussing the sale of new medallions, some taxi drivers and owners agreed Friday that more taxis would improve service in Manhattan.

6.  DEECEE-SNOW (Washington) _ The new mayor had campaigned on the promise of improving municipal services here.

7.  Delta's goal was to absorb the smaller carriers' strong balance sheets, improve their service and gain control of their growing fleets of new regional jets.

8.  Earlier this year, Hahn urged the MTA to drop its appeal and work to improve bus services.

9.  Earlier this year, Washington was most concerned with how airlines could reduce delays and improve service.

10.  Do they improve customer service, offer to make house calls in a pinch or put lemon slices in the water cooler?

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