1.  Although he is Muslim, Arafat has made a point of attending the annual Christmas services in Bethlehem to assert his patronage of the Christian holy sites there.

2.  During free time, Massey visited holy sites and houses of worship of other faiths.

3.  During the Jordanian occupation from 1948 to 1967, a belligerent Hashemite ruling family, including the present King Hussein, refused Jews entry to their holy sites.

4.  EDs: With list of Christian holy sites attached at end of story.

5.  Erakat also said the Palestinians would continue to push Israel to close an archaeological tunnel near Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem's Old City.

6.  Father Peter Vasco, a member of the seven-person council that oversees Middle Eastern holy sites, said that the overall atmosphere is good.

7.  Federal land agencies make accommodations for other religious sites on public lands _ Christian holy sites.

8.  Fears said he did not believe that fighting in the Middle East was truly motivated by the desire to control holy sites, or by any other religious motive.

9.  For almost 30 years, Jews lost access to their holy sites in the Old City.

10.  For his part, Sharon continued to defend his visit to the holy site.

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