1.  As a national historic site owned by the National Park Service, Mentor's Lawnfield could come up for review.

2.  As Arizona grows out into its hinterlands, the issue has become more striking: Development is encroaching on historic sites.

3.  Cuomo's visit also will accentuate the region's historic sites.

4.  Daytona Beach's ballpark is another historic site.

5.  During our days here, we are traveling to historic sites such as the home of William Carey in Moulton.

6.  Established in 1851, the cemetery had fallen into disrepair over the years, and Bullock squeezed the Legislature for enough funds to update the historic site.

7.  Filming began in late September and included golf courses, mansions and historic sites in Savannah and on Jekyll Island and South Carolina's Hilton Head and Kiawah islands.

8.  Followers, who ask to be called students, have placed markers at other national historic sites like Mount McKinley in Alaska.

9.  For example, the Atlanta page provides details on historic sites such as the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site and the Booker T. Washington High School.

10.  For cruise passengers, the opening of these regions offers new opportunities for exotic discoveries, historic sites, and fascinating cultures.

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