1.  Any word from her on Pakistan's current state of affairs?

2.  Despite a brief return to work and a flurry of decrees, he clearly cannot run the Russian government in his current state.

3.  DiSarcina has grown frustrated by the lack of a diagnosis but knows that he isn't capable of playing in his current state.

4.  Don't worry about the current state of the market.

5.  Despite the current state of the federal tax code, filing your taxes has never been easier.

6.  Despite the volatile history of U.S.-China relations, the current state of affairs between the United States and the Asian giant appears to be relatively calm.

7.  Dramatic changes in the Internet shopping landscape are also to blame for the current state of e-commerce, industry analysts say.

8.  Even now, some British diplomats say it was unwise to release them, given the current state of British-French relations.

9.  Ed assumed he was the reason for the company's success, but I fully blame the current state of SGI on him."

10.  Even so, some remain optimistic about the current state of the real estate market.

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