1.  Even the rocky-eyed beefcake boys looked sad.

2.  Girls are looking outside, boys are looking outside.

3.  In the photographs, the two boys looked alarmingly normal _ except for the chains and handcuffs.

4.  In this searing first feature, the title battlefield is a rural English home where a teenage boy looks upon his own family with helpless rage and astonishment.

5.  In this searing first feature, the title battlefield is a rural English home where a teen-age boy looks upon his own family with helpless rage and astonishment.

6.  It makes grown men cower, giants tremble, nasty boys look meek.

7.  Jefferson's grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, said later that the boy looked like Thomas Jefferson.

8.  Jefferson's grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, said later that the boy looked like his father.

9.  Lori Frels coaches the seventh grade B team at Bailey Middle School and says her boys look to her for the mothers' touch her male comrades don't have.

10.  Maybe it's because they mature faster than the boys, but young ladies worship boy bands when boys their age don't even look at the girl groups.

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